Thursday, February 26, 2009

Speak Up Or Else!

The Speak Up Or Else ad campaign will be starting soon with comedic 30 second commericals airing on safe teen driving.

Their website, features these 4 commercials, real stories, quick facts, e-cards, and you can even "Sign The Pledge" by filling in your first name and last initial to receive one of these to post on your myspace, facebook, or blog...

The website also features a toolkit for parents and adults to get involved!

Sav-on would like to remind you that we also have a great teen safety program featuring Phil's tragic story. If you would like to have us come out, please contact us at or call 206-878-1404.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why Are Teen Rates So High?

Young people ages 15-24 represent only 14% of the U.S. population. However, they account for 30% ($19 billion) of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries among males and 28% ($7 billion) among females.

Also, the crash rate for 16-year-olds is 3.7 times higher than drivers of all ages. And the crash rate for 16 to 19-year-olds is 2.7 times higher than drivers of all ages.

Even more shocking...Did you know car accidents are the leading cause of death for ages 15-19?

These factors have a huge impact on why rates would be so high for a young driver. You can find out more by e-mailing or start up a discussion here!

We'll be going over these statistics and more today as we head up to A-Team Driving School to do our presentation on insurance to to share Phil Devitte's tragic story of the car accident that changed his life...You can read it by clicking here.

Thank you to &

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Student Driver, Be Kind

In Europe, new drivers will put a large noticeable "L" for Learner on their car so that other vehicles can be made aware.

Looking around lately, parents have decided to put "Student Driver, Be Kind" stickers and other sorts of magnets and whatnot. Some driver's education schools will even provide you with these bumper stickers!

But a website called has taken the edge off the phrase "student driver" and created fun Rookie Driver stickers, magnets, and removable flags ranging from $7.95 for a sticker to $19.40 for a package deal. You can check out their products by clicking here.

The idea makes sense, it's inexpensive and easy...and the student driver will likely be given some room by the experienced drivers. According to the RookieDriver website:
As adults, we've all experienced moments of irrational and impatient horn honking at “that scatterbrain in front of us” who on closer inspection turns out to be a neighborhood kid. Rookie Driver® products serve as a reminder for experienced drivers to extend courtesy, respect, and patience to Rookie Drivers everywhere.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Teensurance™ powered by Safeco

Safeco agents are now able to offer a $70 discount off the $169 Teensurance package for a low price of $99 to start. And the professional installation is free.

Teensurance is a great tool and program to help parents keep teen drivers safe. The GPS is installed under the dash and away from view to monitor things like speeding and location in real time, and sends alerts on things like curfew and driving out of "safe zones".

You even have free roadside assistance, up to 4 incidents per year and unlimited remote door unlock if the vehicle has automatic locking doors.

There's so many more features with this great system. We're always open to questions or you can find out more by going to