Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are you Negatively Impacting Your Teen’s Driving Behavior?

We read a lot about the reasons why teenage drivers are more likely to have accidents than older, more experienced drivers. Speed, over correction, and distractions in the car are cited as being some of the most frequent contributors to teenage driving accidents.

But, let’s take a moment to examine your teen's state of mind when they get into the car, or while they are in it with you. To promote your teen’s safety behind the wheel, do your best to provide them with an emotionally supportive and safe environment at home. Angry or emotionally upset teenage drivers are more inclined to rebel through some form of wild behavior, such as speeding or reckless driving. Monitor your teen carefully before allowing them to drive if you know they are upset.

Additionally, if you’re one of those committed parents who is providing driver training to your teenage child, you need to make sure you exhibit patience and control your reactions to their mistakes. Parents over reacting emotionally can be as dangerous as teenagers over correcting the car. Consider the following questions:
  1. Does my teenage child know that it’s ok to make mistakes? Or does he think I’ll lose it if he does?
  2. If he models my driving behavior, will he be safe? Or am I guilty of many of the actions I’m coaching him to avoid?
  3. Is my teen too stressed to drive safely? Am I contributing to that stress?
  4. Have I made my teenage driving expectations clear?
  5. Does my teenager understand the consequences of breaking the teenage driving rules we’ve established?
  6. Do I spend too much energy worrying about what could happen?
    The more you worry about anything, the worse that situation becomes, because worry wears you down and makes you less effective. Even when it comes to parenting, our kids don’t need us to worry about them; they need us to believe in them. Believing in your child’s inherently positive potential supports his belief in himself, which is something he needs to accept responsibilities and overcome challenges.
For more information on how to keep your teen driver safe and for copies of teen/parent contracts visit our Safe Teen Driver Site which is dedicated soley to helping parents help their teen drivers become safer drivers.

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