Thursday, March 12, 2009

Teen / Parent Driving Contract

Teenagers these days think they know everything. And yeah, they might know be up on the latest Twitter posts but they don't know everything when it comes to driving.

You want to give them a little freedom, maybe fall, but ultimately get back up and learn from the mistake. YES, they promise to be safe... that they won't speed, that they'll check their blind spot-- but you don't really know once you're not watching from the passengers seat.

But maybe you're right... they need a little freedom. But you should still have a Teen / Parent Driver Contract! Here's a sample of what's covered...
  1. I understand that as far as the law is concerned, my acts are the acts of my parents.
  2. I will drive carefully, cautiously, in control and obey the law.
  3. I will not allow my car to be driven by anyone who has been drinking any form of intoxicating liquor or has taken any type of illegal drug or any drug that could cause danger to passengers in the car or public.

This form is great... your teen now has a contract with you and all is fair! They can't renege on the contract and you can fall back on what you've already agreed upon... it's signed and dated!

For the full version, e-mail us at and request one! You have to realize now, there are legal implications of a teen driver!

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