Monday, August 18, 2014

How Long Does an Accident Stay on Your Record?

We get this question a lot. Tickets and accidents can cause expensive spikes in your car insurance rates and no one wants that.

The good news is that the higher premiums eventually drop off and your rate will go back down -- as long as you avoid any further trouble or accidents. The bad news is that it typically takes 3 years for that to happen.

If you get a traffic ticket, you may be able to avoid having a surcharge on your policy by taking a defensive driving course and getting the ticket removed from your record. This will depend on your past record and what the court offers, but it is a good option, since it will keep your rates from skyrocketing.

If your rates do go up, make sure you are taking advantage of all other discounts to offset the increase.  Bring all of your insurance to SAV-ON Insurance so you take advantage of our multi-policy discounts. Raise your deductible for awhile so you pay more out-of-pocket if you have an accident, get a lower monthly rate.

Have questions?  We're always available to help!  Just give us a call at 888-867-2866 and schedule a free review to see what is available and how we can keep your rates manageable even after an accident.

1 comment:

Noel Leonard said...

Beyond the tickets and accidents on your record, you or someone else could get hurt. Driver safety is essential to prevent injuries and keep costs down. This also means making sure your vehicle is properly maintained, including the tires.